A basic widget for getting the user input is a text field. Keyboard and mouse can be used for providing or changing data.
Alert Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
modelValue | object | {} | Bind the value of select. |
mode | bordered | underline | light | bordered | Set select mode. |
size | mini | small | medium | large | medium | Set select size. |
options | <{name: string value?: any}>[] | [] | Set select options. |
infoTip | string | '' | Set select infoTip. |
prefixIcon | Bootstrap Icons | '' | Set select prefixIcon. |
suffixIcon | Bootstrap Icons | '' | Set select suffixIcon. |
placeholder | string | '' | Set select placeholder. |
disabled | boolean | false | Set whether to disable. |
clearable | boolean | false | Can settings be reset. |
multiple | boolean | false | Set whether to select multiple mode. |
Button Slots
Name | Parameters | Description |
prepend | () | Front Select Box Content. |
append | () | Post Select Box Content. |